R ETHICAL Journal 紛争のないコンフリクトフリーダイヤモンド

R ETHICAL Journal 紛争のないコンフリクトフリーダイヤモンド




R ETHICALは、お客様は単にダイヤモンドを購入しているだけではないと考えています。キャラット、カラー、クラリティ、カットという美しいダイヤモンドを求めていただけると同時に、そのソーシングのところで信頼をいただき選んで頂いています。厳選されたダイヤモンドを装身具としてお仕立てする際に、トレーサビリティと持続可能性が最優先事項となっています。


R ETHICALがお届けする上質で、輝く宝飾品は、どこで生まれたか、大切な要素です。人生の中で、大切なタイミングで購入する高級ジュエリーを芸術作品と考え、ダイヤモンドを芸術家と考えてみてください。

美術評論家が作品の信憑性 を立証できない場合、その作品はその価値を失います。美術芸術の世界では来歴と言われる大切な要素です。

ダイヤモンドの世界は如何でしょうか。GIAという世界的な非営利組織(Gemological Institute of America)のソーティングには、ダイヤモンドの特性が記載されています。ただ、鉱山を特定できないことがほとんどです。世界を見渡すとインド、ブラジル、南アフリカ、そしてロシアと、多くの国で採掘がされています。時代と共に活況な採掘場が変わるものの、世界的に流通し、カット、研磨、ソーティングというプロセスを経て富裕層の手に渡るという一連の流れは変わらずに続いています。




  • ダイヤモンドは、どこでどのように入手されたか。
  • 真正性が確認できるかどうか。

R ETHICALの最優先事項は、すべての天然ダイヤモンドをお客様にお届けすることです。倫理的に調達され、専門的に等級付けされ、個別に検証されているため、最高品質であるだけでなく、最も倫理的に調達されたダイヤモンドを揃えています。




トレーサビリティに関する混乱は誤解につながり、最終的には顧客さまの後悔に繋がっていきます。これは、一部のダイヤモンド卸売業者が (不注意またはその他の方法で) 顧客を混乱させる可能性があるためです。






R ETHICALの記事を読んでくださる素敵な顧客さまは、「倫理的」「天然」「紛争のない」ダイヤモンドの価値を感じています。戦争地帯で採掘され、反乱軍や武将に資金を提供するために販売されたダイヤモンド「紛争ダイヤモンド」として知られるダイヤモンドを排除したいものです。




Sustainability Matter

Consumers, now more than ever, expect honesty.

When the accessibility of product information plays a huge role during the purchasing process, brands

that are transparent with their customer base are favored over companies that put minimal effort into communication.

This is true for practically every industry—even our own.

That’s why at R ETHICAL, we believe our independent customers aren’t just buying

beautiful diamonds, they’re buying trust.

Here’s why traceability and sustainability are core priorities when obtaining our select range of diamonds.


Firstly, What Is Traceability?

Luxury items are, by design, defined by their traceability.

Think of a piece of fine jewelry as a work of art, and the diamond as the artist.

If an art critic cannot establish the authenticity of a work (known as provenance in the art industry), then

the piece loses its value.

In the diamond world, there’s an added layer of mining, with ethical companies spending millions on

ensuring workers who obtain stones are treated and paid fairly for their work. Non-ethical companies do the opposite.

That’s why, before people buy their diamonds, people want to know these things:

  • Where and how the stones were obtained.
  • If their authenticity can be verified.


When the answers to these questions are vague, there’s little incentive for clients to put their trust in jewelers.

At R ETHICAL our first priority is ensuring every natural diamond sent to our clients, are ethically sourced, professionally graded, and individually verified so that they can be sure they’re investing in not only the highest quality but most ethically sourced diamonds available.


The Challenge Buyers Face

Confusion over traceability can lead to misunderstandings which then, eventually, can lead to buyer’s remorse.

This is because some diamond sellers may (inadvertently or otherwise) confuse their customers by using industry-standard terms and technical language that the average consumer isn’t often exposed to.

It's up to industry experts like us at Vantyghem Diamonds to help our retail partners by informing and educating them as best we can. The more forthcoming we are about our products, the more we nurture their trust in us.


One example that comes to mind is the difference between "origin" and "provenance."

This is meant to assure the customer that the diamond was shipped from a place known for, say, quality diamonds and safe working conditions.

However, they often do not have the papers or tangible proof to back up their claim.

A diamond's origin refers to the exact location where the diamond was mined.

A diamond's provenance, on the other hand, includes all the regions and countries that the diamond went through before it landed in the customer's hands.

If a retailer cannot provide provenance, the authenticity of the diamond—despite its claimed origin—becomes questionable. When given the chance, we would urge consumers to ask about both a diamond’s provenance and its origin.


The Deeper Story

Despite many companies claiming "full transparency" with their sales, the truly important information is kept from the customer. For instance, where was the diamond mined? Was it responsibly mined?

Most well-meaning consumers are after "ethical," "natural," and/or "conflict-free" diamonds. They don’t want diamonds that have been mined in known warzones and sold to finance insurgent or warlord activities, known as "conflict diamonds.”

A fraction of customers might also be concerned with the authenticity of the stone. An estimated 7% of diamonds sold on the market today are not natural, and experts say that the percentage could be much higher by 2030.


The industry needs better traceability technology for the sake of the consumers and the trade.

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